On 20th December 2022 we released v1.2 of our EO Exploitation Platform Common Architecture (EOEPCA). The release includes many enhancements including alignment to OGC API Processes 1.0, plus performance improvements and bugfixes. See the Release Notes and Description for full details.
As always, the latest software building blocks are freely available as source code on GitHub and as docker images on DockerHub.
The release 1.2 system supports an end-to-end scenario in which a user can:
- Register and login to the platform
- Develop a containerized application using the Processor Development Environment
- Deploy their application to their secure workspace
- Access a secured environment to deploy their application and execute bespoke processing
- Discover data in the resource catalogue to reference as input data
- Initiate processing execution with outputs to S3 object store
- Output data is registered in their secure workspace - available through its catalogue & data access services
Release 1.2 targets system deployment to a Kubernetes cluster using a DevOps continuous integration/delivery approach. Each building block is released as a Docker container with supporting helm chart for Kubernetes deployment. Kubernetes provides an infrastructure-agnostic target for the deployment of our reference system components.
An updated Deployment Guide describes how each building-block comprising the EOEPCA Reference Implementation is configured and deployed. A full system deployment is described, in which components are deployed with complementary configurations that facilitate their integration as a coherent system. Nevertheless, each component can be cherry-picked from this system deployment for individual re-use.