Version 1.1 of our open source EO Exploitation Platform Common Architecture (EOEPCA) was released on 31st May 2022, the fruit of over two years of development.
Improvements since v1.0 include some new features, important bug fixes, and updates for compatibility with Kubernetes 1.22.
All the latest software building blocks are freely available as source code on GitHub and as docker images on DockerHub.
What's in the box?
Release 1.1 includes the following building blocks:
- Login Service
- User Profile
- Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
- Policy Decision Point (PDP)
- Application Deployment & Execution Service (ADES)
- Processor Development Environment (PDE)
- Resource Catalogue
- Data Access Services
- Workspace
See the Description for more information.
New Features
- Upgrade of supported Kubernetes version from 1.18 -> 1.22
- Resource Catalogue implements OGC API Records virtual collections (pycsw RFC 10)
- Resource Catalogue compatible with STAC API 1.0.0-rc1
- Resource Catalogue supports custom database mappings
- Resource Catalogue a Reference Implementation of OGC GeoRSS 1.0
- Resource Catalogue: update based on latest CQL2 models
- Data Access: support for STAC in the data access harvester
- ADES: support for sub-workflows in application packages
- ADES: support for application packages with multiple workflows
- ADES: optimized method to parse the processing results
- PDE: Fully containerised Processor Development Environment with authentication
- Identity & Authorization support for external tools (e.g. QGIS)
- Login Service: support for role attributes as requested by the Open Science Catalogue
- Policy Decision Point (PDP): validation option based on Terms and Conditions
- Policy Decision Point (PDP): endpoint for managing Terms and Conditions
- Policy Enforcement Point (PEP): option for retrieving resource information by providing the protected URI
Performance enhancements, refinements and fixes
- Resource Catalogue: database deployment switched to stateful set
- Resource Catalogue: OpenSearch EO parameter detection fix
- Resource Catalogue: OGC API Records: change items startindex to offset
- Resource Catalogue: fixed compatibility with latest Werkzeug version
- ADES: nodeselector fix for processing pods
- ADES: k8s role creation fix for processing job namespaces
- Policy Decision Point (PDP): fixed default authenticated validation for policies
See the Release Notes for full details.
Deployment Guide
An updated Deployment Guide provides full system deployment descriptions, examples and supporting scripts. It describes how each building-block comprising the EOEPCA Reference Implementation is configured and deployed. A full system deployment is described, in which components are deployed with complementary configurations that facilitate their integration as a coherent system. Nevertheless, each component can be cherry-picked from this system deployment for individual re-use.