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Project Overview

Many web-based platforms provide access to satellite Earth Observation (EO) data, now often combined with cloud computing resources and applications. Users benefit from the ability to process data remotely, bypassing traditional download and storage limitations. Our vision is to enhance interoperability between these platforms to create an open network for seamless data access.

To achieve this, we are establishing best practices for EO exploitation platforms based on open standards and developing a reference implementation of building blocks as free open source software. This project is sponsored by the European Space Agency (ESA), with it's first iteration, EOEPCA, starting in 2018, and it's second iteration, EOEPCA+, starting in 2023, and aims to demonstrate the architecture and software in operational platforms.


Unifying the fragmented cloud ecosystem for Ground Segment, EO Science, R&D, and Applications.


Enhance interoperability between cloud-based data platforms for an open network of resources.


Enabling federation amongst EO cloud platform options by offering reusable Building Blocks for tailored environments.

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Latest Developments

Press Release

EOEPCA at the National Centre for Earth Observation

Sep. 12, 2024
York, UK

In a recent trip to the National Centre for Earth Observation conference, the flexibility of EOEPCA's workflow and data standards was presented, showcasing how it directly supports other key EO projects including ESA's EarthCODE. For more information on novel implementations of the EOEPCA system, see our latest Resources.

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Press Release

EOEPCA obtains OSGeo Community Project Status

July 9, 2024

The EOEPCA team is proud to launch the project firmly into Phase 2 by becoming an OSGeo Community Project. As a global proponent of open source software, the collaboration will enable EOEPCA+ to rapidly grow into the future.

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Press Release

Partnership Announcement

Jul 10, 2024

New Partners join the project

As part of the transition to EOEPCA+, our new contributors will be working on capabilities covering MLOps, datacubes and support tooling for application quality improvement. To learn more about the new EOEPCA+ phase, click here.

Discover our new Partners

Project Timeline

≤ v1.4

EOEPCA: Phase 1

A groundbreaking journey from project inception to system release v1.3 (September 2023). This pivotal phase laid the foundation for our success, marked by two transformative milestones:

  • Widespread adoption by operators, successfully deploying the system across multiple platforms
  • Seamless integration of the ZOO-Project, a critical component that powers EOEPCA's core functionality

EOEPCA+: Phase 2

An exciting new chapter with a new architecture and development team. Beginning with system release v1.4, this phase will include all future system releases.

  • Achieved prestigious OSGeo Community Project Status accreditation
  • Expanding our reach to engage with a broader, global audience
  • Fostering strategic collaborations with leading organizations and stakeholders
  • Empowering the geospatial data community to optimize workflows and achieve ambitious research goals
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Key EOEPCA Affiliations

OSGeo Logo ESA Logo