OGC Testbed-15 Kickoff Workshop

The Testbed-15 Kickoff Workshop is held 2-4 April at the US Geological Survey National Center in Reston, VA, USA.

The Kickoff Workshop is a face-to-face meeting where Participants, guided by thread architects, will refine the Testbed architecture (including generic interfaces and protocols to be used as a baseline for software components) and the demonstration concept.

Telespazio Vega UK has sent Simon Farman, EOEPCA Project Manager, as representative for the meetings.

The selected candidates for the following working packages are:

Company selected WP Deliverable
52.North GmbH WP3 D118 Web Processing Service (2 of 2)WPS instance and two demo applications that can be deployed dynamically and compliant with Application Package specification.Contributions to Engineering Report (D010).
Deimos Engenharia S.A WP2 D117 Catalogue & Discovery Service SERVER (2 of 2)Implementation of Catalogue & Discovery Service SERVER in accordance with the Data Model (D010).Contributions to Engineering Report (D010).
SpaceBel SA WP1 D010 Catalogue & Discovery Engineering ReportDevelopment of the Data Model and Engineering Report covering all results of this task including the description of all implementations and the data model.

Figure 1 Overview of all work items and deliverables of this task. Green work items require a response to the OGC CFP, orange work items require a response to the ESA ITT. Arrows indicate interaction between client and service, direct lines indicate usage relationships. Not all connections are shown in the diagram. Both demo apps as well as WPS instances need to be registered at both catalogs.

One technical representative for each of the companies has been sent to the Kickoff Workshop.

The schedule is linked to the overall Testbed 15 programme managed by OGC. 

The OGC Testbed 15 web page (including schedule), can be found here http://www.opengeospatial.org/projects/initiatives/testbed15.

Milestone Event
2-4 April 2019 Kickoff Workshop Event
31 May 2019 Initial Engineering Reports (IERs)
30 June 2019 Component Implementation Designs
June 2019 (TBC) Interim face-to-face meetingDate and location to be confirmed at kick-off
31 July 2019 IER-to-DER status check; TIE Connectivity Test; Early Component Implementations (on which other components have a dependency)
31 August 2019 TIE Readiness Review
30 September 2019 TIE Tested Component Implementations completed; Preliminary DERs complete & clean, ready for testbed wide review
31st October 2019 Ad hoc TIE demonstrations (as requested during the month)& Demo Assets posted to Portal; Near Final DERs posted toPending & WG review requested
[Date TBD] November 2019 Final DERs (incorporating WG feedback) posted to Pending to support WG & TC vote
30th November 2019 Final DERs (incorporating WG feedback) posted toPending; Participant Final Summary Reports
[Date TBD] December 2019 Demonstration Event
[Date TBD] January 2020 ESA Presentation

The following diagram provides a notional schedule of major Testbed events, phases and milestones and their approximate sequence of occurrence. 
